What Are the Main Reasons for Divorce?
- Infidelity
- Money Problems
- Poor Communication
- Lack of Intimacy
- Abuse
- Addiction
- Unrealistic Expectations
- Extraordinary Circumstances
What causes divorce?
All types of things, but generally, most marriages end due to a combination of factors that evolve from a lack of communication, trust issues, and false expectations. Most unhappy marriages don't end overnight, it usually takes work for two people to end a once loving relationship.
A lot of animosities can develop due to incompatibility and personality conflicts that always existed, but were probably overlooked during the halcyon days of the relationship. Continual feelings of frustration can lead to a spouse venting frustration in unhealthy ways, often at the emotional expense of their partner. Emotional manifestations of this stress usually play out in the following ways:
- Poor Communication – Avoidance
- Arguments – Often over trivial matters
- Lack of intimacy
Sometimes, however rare, these issues are related to unknown personality disorder. This may culminate in more severe behaviors such as:
- Emotional/physical abuse
- Addiction
- Serial Infidelity
An abusive relationship, either physical or mental, is certainly grounds for divorce. If you experiencing any type of abuse, or if you are concerned about the well being of your children, it is important that you get to a safe place first. The court system and attorney will be on your side.
For Immediate help with your family law case or answering any questions please call (888) 240-8146 now!
References: NCBI.gov Research on Causes for Divorce